More Change.

Happy New Year!

My blog page has lain silent for a long time. It has saddened me that I’ve not had time to write as much as I’d like. Things have been moving, changing and growing. My husband and I once again find ourselves moving home. Leaving the caravan we adore and making somewhere new our home. It turned out we weren’t able to save anything by living here as my husband’s 1.5 hour commute (3 hours in total a day) was draining our funds. So we had to ask why we were here, if we weren’t saving any money.

So we’re moving again. This time, to a boat! New adventure, new way of thinking, new home. It’s only a 3 month lease. We’re boat sitting for some people we met on Facebook. The internet is magic when used correctly. So that’s how we shall be starting 2018. We’ll be cruising along the Kennet and Avon canal until March. After that… who knows?! Maybe we’ll buy a boat and maybe we’ll admit defeat and get a mortgage. But at least we tried. We’ve tried a different way of thinking, instead of conforming straight away.

I guess feeling reflective is a part of starting a New Year. As the wind batters the caravan I listen and reflect on our time here. I am filled with joy, love, admiration and sadness. Sadness that we are leaving an area and a inanimate object that treated us so well. The caravan has kept us warm, dry and strong. After wrestling with feeling immature regarding moving back home, I now feel lucky that I was able to get to know my Mum and her partner as adults. The four of us now have a strong foundation of friendship, that will continue to grow. What we have learnt by living here has been invaluable. We’ll take all these lessons aboard Constance (the name of the boat we’re sitting), and onwards wherever after.

So get ready for some stories set on the Kennet and Avon. I wonder how Remy is going to like it!

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